Spice up your strategy to create more value!
Graduating from Harvard Business School and Solvay Brussel School, Jean-Pierre Baeyens is a professor, academic director, consultant, speaker, blogger, YouTuber, and Strategic Spicer! He generates spicy ideas to inspire younger generations of game-changers in Europe and Vietnam. He helps them reflect on their strategies following his SPICE UP model.
What is the Spice Up model? JP Baeyens’ method to increase your value proposition.
In our fast-moving world, traditional methods are useless. Strategic thinking should be supported by new paradigms. Using design thinking, creativity, and innovation to make decisions and give sense to your action is necessary but not sufficient. To be efficient, your strategy should be :
- Sexy
- Personality
- Intelligence
- Community
- Emotions
- Ultimate
- Personalization
Thanks to his added values, Jean-Pierre Baeyens practice strategic mentoring. He proposes personal counseling for young managers and entrepreneurs as an opportunity to get new ways to approach strategy and marketing and help them in their decision-making.
Following the wide and inspiring advice of Professor Baeyens, you will create more value than ever!
Read more : https://profbaeyens.com/2017/09/13/spice-up-your-strategy/